Our Approach

“Knowledge is about going beyond textbooks, it perpetrates the Joy of Learning”

Kidz Shaishav and Vedic Girls School makes a point of educating its learners beyond the regular curriculum. Our co-curricular activities edify them with learning in discipline, fitness, team spirit and confidence and help them develop a well-rounded personality.

Our curriculum  is based on the inquiry-based learning approach. Kidz and Vedic  curriculum follows the Inquiry based approach which is based on the natural learning behaviour of a human being. These learning stages are as follows:

Enquire – As curiosity in children is obvious, the curio curriculum is planned in a way which draws the child’s attention and encourages them to enquire.

Explore – This curiosity then urges the child to look into clues and explore facts in order to resolve their curiosity. The curriculum encourages the child to explore the facts through experiments and enormous exposure.

Establish – The experiments and exploring of the concepts ultimately leads the child to establish facts and learnings. Now they have developed a new learning in their minds. The curriculum provides a guided assistance to the child in order to enable them to learn in a well- guided manner.

Express – Once the child learns a concept, it becomes necessary to express the new learning. The curriculum helps the child express their learnings and implement them in their daily lives.

This approach helps to:

  • Focus on children to discover independently or as members of a group.
  • Encourage asking questions, experiments, use trial and error, discuss, and evaluate.
  • Assist the children to find their own answers rather than just learn facts.
  • Promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills in the children. They can ask their own questions and find their own answers.

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