“ The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called – Truth.”
Teaching is one of the greatest profession across the world. To dedicate and honour hardwork of teachers, every year on 5th of September, Teachers day is celebrated in India, to commemorate the birth anniversary of our second president Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1962-67).
Teachers are the architects of society and youth builders. They greatly impact students starting from the kindergarten till university and beyond.
Teachers become idol to students and leave deep impressions in their personalities and lives.
They inspire, guide, motivate and mentor and are akin to parents outside the home.
Teaching is a selfless profession, as teachers only gives and expects nothing in return.
This feeling of care and nurturing are filled in our teachers at Kidz Shaishav School, Vedic Girls School and Kidz Shaishav School Montessori Wing, where teachers take pride in their work and always encourage students to be a better version of themselves.
Today on Teacher’s day, I express my gratitude to all our teachers whose impressions are forever etched in our memories.
Being knowledgeable and through in one’s subject is an absolute must, but equally important is to be a good human being, one whom students can approach, relate to, learn from and strive to emulate.