“These things are not
‘Old school’ or ‘quaint'.
They are what make a
Decent human being.
- Steve Wentworth

Etiquette and manners are an indication that a child has been brought up well. At KIDZ SHAISHAV School, the focus is placed on these basic virtues which are not given their due importance when it comes to education in India. Every parent wants their child to be respectful and mindful of others in every environment.

As a responsible school we establish good manners in our students. They need to know that the way they treat people demonstrates their regard for them.

 Class Room etiquette-

You are here to learn. Teachers require your co-operation to help you and the other kids to learn well for your benefit.

  • Be on time
  • Don’t use profanity
  • Don’t tell lies – to anyone
  • Don’t answer back
  • Don’t be noisy or disrupt the class
  • Co-operate with the other kids
  • Do immediately what the teacher asks you to do
  • Pay attention to the teacher
  • Don’t talk while the teacher is talking
  • Don’t snatch anything from anyone
  • Don’t fight, pull, push or shove anyone.
  • Don’t steal from anyone
  • Never bite anyone
  • Pick up your own litter

Uniforms etiquette-

  • Wear your uniform with pride
  • sloppy dress impresses nobody

Playground etiquette-

It is necessary for children to play, but we should follow the rules of the playground so that no one gets hurt during the game.

  • Don’t fight, pull, push or shove anyone. Save it for your organised activity such as Tae Kwon Do.
  • Never bite anyone
  • Don’t litter in the playground
  • No bullying. our school has a zero-tolerance policy and a strict action will be taken against bullies.
  • Don’t gang up on anyone

Sports etiquette-

Be competitive, play hard but play fair.

  • Do your best
  • Never get into a fight
  • Apologise immediately if you make a mistake
  • Accept an apology with goodwill
  • Don’t spit on anyone, or anywhere
  • Show good sportsmanship.

Students’ etiquette-

School days are such that you remember all your life, it is important that you make a good memory in school and follow the school rules.

  • Be punctual
  • Pay attention to the teachers
  • Be respectful to the teachers and staff
  • Do immediately what you are directed to do
  • Do not answer back
  • Tell the truth – always. It takes courage to tell the truth. Cowards tell lies out of fear
  • Respect everyone’s rights
  • Don’t litter in the school grounds
  • Practice being well mannered
  • Don’t bully. Prevent bullying. Report bullying
  • Don’t litter in the class room, school grounds or anywhere
  • Don’t graffiti or vandalise others property
  • Be respectful of public and private property
  • Don’t steal from anyone
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+91 8307690989

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Mon-Saturday: 7:30 am – 02:30 pm
Sunday – Closed